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Public Collection 07.05.2010 – 10.05.2010

Based on a decision by the Mayor of Lodz Nr SSP.IV.5022/16/10 Association “Friends of the World” received permission to carry out a public collection on 07/05/2010 – 10/05/2010 during Fashion Week Poland.
Collection was carried out for an orphanage for children in Lodz, ul. Druzynowa 3/5. The aim of our collection has been buying mattresses – breathing monitors for babies.
07.05.2010 r approximately 14.00 pm we came to the Expo Hall and began preparing our stand.

Since the first time we join for such work, we were very lost … we wanted to make our stand look very nice, because we realize that we have a lofty goal, and really want to attract to our donors.

Together with the help of our artistic soul – Brygida, we managed to prepare (hopefully) a nice stand. Drawings (done by kids from an Orphanage) adorned the walls. Kids are very willing to give us something back, it is as if they were there with us…

We were collecting the money for little ones in the form of donations of canned and we were selling items produced by our Association – T-shirts, cups, plates.

They worked with us for charity volunteers and members of our Association.

Fashion Week event and our stand was visited by many celebrities. We were issued commemorative book, which formed part of those supporting our action.

Quest of honor at Fashion Week event was Kenzo Takada, who supported our action. This is an amiable man with a good heart. Thank you very much!

Our activities are supported albo by well-known Portuguese designer NUNO GAMA. Just before the show was time for us to sign a memorial book.  Thank you very much!

Patrizia Gucci, on the Fashion Week promote her book “Singielka”. We got it as a gift with a beautiful autograph. The book will be able to spend in the future, the charity auction.

Patrizia Gucci – Grazie mille!  

Marcellous L. Jones (French TV Fashion Insider) has written to us beautiful wishes. A man with a big heart, thank you Marcellous.
You are our friend!

Thank you for the support Monika Jaruzelski.

Robert Kupisz also written in our Book with warm words of support.

Blue Cafe – Dominika Gawęda and Paweł Rurak-Sokal.  They are very happy to have written the wishes.

Rafal Michalak came to our stand – MMC.

Marysia Sadowska – very nice cup – lofty goal.
Marysia… you are a fantastic person with a very cheerful disposition, thank you for your kind and warm words of support for our share of aid for the House Early Childhood.

Mrs. Teresa Kopias, Mrs. Agnieszka Korzeniowska and our Iwonka Wilk.

After the event, and money expressed it turned out that we have 2023.50 PLN!

From above amount we could buy and give to the orphanage mattresses-breathing monitors for tiny tots.


We also thank all those who helped us in preparing the stand and volunteers!

“Let man be noble, helpful neighbor, good! Because only then is unlike any other beings known to us.” – Johann Wolfgang Goethe